Public Comment for Drafts of IMM Materials Failure Investigation Practitioners

Interested parties or industries or any member of the public are invited to comment on the drafts of IMM Standards during this Public Comment stage which is one of the most important stages in the development of standards. Your input and feedback may contribute to enhance the draft standard during this Public Comment stage which will be ongoing for one month (30 days). The Drafting Committee will then review and consider in detail the comments submitted on the draft standard and incorporate changes if necessary.

The following drafts of IMM Standards are now open for public comment from 24th September until 23rd October 2024. Click on the respective cover page of the draft standards to download and review the drafts.


Draft of IMM Materials Failure Investigation Practitioners Standard

Competency Levels of Skill Persons: Basic for Skills Certification Scheme


Please use the respective Public Comment Form to submit any comments on the drafts and send the completed form via email to