IMM’s Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”) Scheme for Certified Personnel

Updated on 31st October 2022


IMM hears you. We understand that members may face difficulties in collecting CPD points during the Covid-19 pandemic and hence, the implementation of the CPD requirement for recertification has been deferred to January 2023.  In view of the above deferment:

  • IMM Certified personnel who are due for recertification in 2022 are exempted from the CPD requirement.
  • IMM Certified personnel who are due for recertification in 2023 or the subsequent years are required to collect sufficient CPD points from the year 2022 in order to qualify for recertification.

To acknowledge and recognise the effort of members who have collected the CPD points in 2021, the points collected can be carried forward for the purpose of recertification in 2023 or thereafter. CPD points can be collected through various types of pertinent activities conducted by IMM as well as other institutions. The objective of implementing the CPD scheme is to encourage Certified Personnel to regularly improve themselves and keep themselves updated with the latest developments in their industry. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any inquiries.

With effect from 1st January 2023, all IMM Certified Personnel will be required to submit their yearly Continuing Professional Development (CPD) report to qualify for renewal of their certification upon expiry. The objective of CPD is to encourage Certified Personnel to regularly improve themselves and keep themselves updated with the latest developments in their industry. As such, IMM-certified personnel can commence collecting CPD Points during the year 2022 to meet the required one-year CPD Points by the year 2023.


*Supporting documents are required to be submitted whenever applicable.

The CPD points calculation shall be based on the weightage factor shown below for each Activity Code.

IMM certified personnel are required to submit their CPD points collected to IMM Secretariat by 31st December each year.

Professional Development Activity Code

Professional Development Activity Scope

Weightage Factor

A Attend Online or Physical Training Courses/Workshops 4
B Online or Physical Course Trainer/Facilitator/Examiner/Conference Presenter 3
C Attend Online or Physical Seminar/Conference/Webinar 2
D Paper Author Main author (max 30 hours/year) Co-author (max 10 hours/year) 2
E Attend Online or Physical Committee Meeting 1
F Fieldwork (max claimable 480 hours per year)** 0.1




**Need to submit an endorsement from superior/supervisor as evidence

Calculated based on the assumption that minimum project duration of 3 months and 8 hours per day for 20 days.

The minimum number of CPD Points per year shall be 10 points. The minimum number of CPD Points per 5 years for re-certification shall be 100 points.

For more information, please contact IMM Secretariat via phone call at +60376611591, via WhatsApp at +60189113480, or via email at